Detox Root Causes of Chronic Health Challenges



Here's a little bit more about me.


  • Master of Science in Health Sciences (MSHS) in Physician Assistant Studies, The George Washington University

  • Practiced Internal Medicine for almost 10 years in a private practice

  • Current: Restorative Wellness Practitioner, Restorative Wellness Solutions

  • BS in Health and Exercise Science, Wake Forest University

  • Certified Essential Oil Specialist, doTERRA

My Passion & Process

I care deeply about helping families heal the gut microbiome and the gut-brain axis. Homeschooling three special needs kiddos and helping them heal from the gut-level up has given me compassion for those struggling with similar issues, such as:


  • ASD

  • Dyslexia

  • Dysgraphia

  • Brain fog + memory issues

  • Mood disorders

  • Headaches + migraines

  • Skin and acne issues

  • Weight gain + metabolic issues

  • Autoimmune + thyroid disorders

  • Toxic mold/mycotoxins

  • Chronic gut imbalances like IBS/IBD, constipation, diarrhea

Because the gut is our second brain, connected intimately with our first brain via the Vagus nerve, we always focus on healing the gut first. I gently help you clean up your dietary and health habits, doing testing along the way, and setting you up for success so you can detox, heal, and thrive. We look at:

  • Your diet and dietary habits

  • How well your digestive + detox organs are functioning

  • How plentiful your good bacteria is (or how leaky your gut is)

  • How many and what kinds of bad bugs (pathogens) you have

  • What kinds of environmental toxicities including heavy metals, mold, pesticides/herbicides are present that need to be removed

Jk Wellness: 12 Core Values

Core Value #1

I believe God designed our bodies to heal, and my job is to discover your roadblocks to healing and help you move past them.

Core Value #2

We will work with the body, at a pace that’s comfortable for you and as you have the capacity for change - because I understand that change is hard!

Core Value #3

We will work in a specific order, as the body likes to detox in waves and offload certain pathogens first.

Core Value #4

We will address trauma, mood + mindset, and nervous system dysregulation as central components of your healing.

Core Value #5

We will encourage a state of flow, opening all drainage pathways, since stagnation breeds disease. And, we can’t flush a clogged toilet!

Core Value #6

We will support energy and mitochondrial health + function first, as it takes cellular energy to heal.  If you have chronic health ailments, you are already at a cellular energy deficit!

Core Value #7

We will address environmental hindrances to healing such as the water you’re drinking and EMF exposure that deeply interferes with healing.

Core Value #8

We will optimize the functioning of your digestive organs first.  Healing the digestive tract is priority #1 since your gut is your second brain and connects to and impacts nearly every other organ system in the body - but especially the brain.

Core Value #9

We will address the food sensitivities you may have and customize a dietary plan unique to you, via the MRT or FIT tests.  Food sensitivities, along with toxins and pathogens, are a huge driver of inflammation inside the gut and cannot be ignored.

Core Value #10

We will test stool samples to assess your digestive organ functioning, microbiome status, pathogen level including H. Pylori and inflammation levels in the gut using the GI-MAP test.  This will allow me to customize a protocol specific to you to give you the best chance of an accelerated healing process. 

Core Value #11

 We will use professional-grade supplements to support the function of organs, target pathogen removal, and replace deficient nutrients.  This is a key part of our protocols and staying consistent with them is critical.  We will also support lifestyle changes that encourage healing and health.

Core Value #12

I believe it’s not just one layer, but the combined stack of all of these healing layers that allows your body to move forward toward health and wellness!

I am 150% here for you on your healing journey! I am honored to walk with you every step of the way and will make sure you feel supported with every next step you take.


Homeschooling my kiddos,

going on nature walks with our fur baby,

and taking care of grandma.

Are You Ready To

End the Frustration

And Reset Your Health?

Would you like to have someone walk with you,

step by step, with doable protocols

and lifestyle/diet adjustments

customized to your body and your situation?

If so, I would love to chat

and see if we would be a good fit working together.

Apply for a Free 15 minute Discovery Call today!


Based in Virginia, serving clients nationwide.


Disclaimer: Jane Kim, Restorative Wellness Practitioner, provides nutritional support through personalized coaching and wellness programs. Jane Kim does not diagnose, treat or cure any disease. None of the products discussed on this website are intended to treat, cure or prevent disease. All products, advice, and recommendations here are intended to support a healthy diet and lifestyle. The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Jane Kim unless otherwise noted. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified licensed healthcare professional and is not intended as medical advice. Jane Kim encourages you to make your own healthcare decisions based on your research and in partnership with your qualified healthcare professional. While Jane Kim has a degree in Physician Assistant studies, she does not have an active license as a PA. Jane Kim does not practice medicine or diagnose, treat, or cure any physical or mental disease or disorder. Jane Kim does not prescribe medication and does not suggest stopping your medication without the support of your medical doctor.